About Nessim


楽 茶 流

From 楽 (raku) : simple, easy, fluent — 茶 (cha) : tea — 流 (ryu) : style, school, flow

Welcome to Raku Cha Ryu, "the school of simple tea" or "a simple tea style".

Why such a title ? Maybe because one day, the great Tea Master Rikyu said : "The way of Tea is simply about serving tea." Or maybe because I simply like the quietness of a tea ceremony.

In here, we talk of tea ceremony, ceramics and other japanese craftsmanship.

I have had several internships with craftsmen in Japan and I hope that sharing my experience here might give you some desire to meet them one day.

About me :

My name is Nessim Cohen. I was born and I grew up in Paris with a strong (and unexplained) passion for Japan. I went to the Preparatory classes for the Great Schools and then to these schools where I learned philosophy and political sciences. Then, I decided to go to Japan to deepen my true passion : the tea ceremony and the Japanese arts.

I try to always keep with me the rich teachings I received and to confront them everyday with the new challenges that I meet.

After an internship at Sasaki Kyoshitsu's kiln, I am currently working in the Pasona Group with the Awaji Youth Federation. These days, I am restoring an abandoned tea house.

But enough with the chitchat, welcome on Raku Cha Ryu.

Dôzô, o raku ni, let's be simple.

To the Purists : when I need to do it differently, I just do it.


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